
Wandel is derived from the German word – Lebenswandel. It means Way or Mode of Life.
The word Wandel means Change, Transform and Convert. That is where the name of our company came from. A place where change takes place, where the lives we have the privilege to serve, gets transformed to an enhanced mode of living .
The products and services we bring you are curated and created to improve your overall lifestyle. Because we won’t make a compromise on our health, body, spirit and soul, that’s why we won’t produce anything to compromise on yours too.
We are here to make a difference, we are here to challenge and change the narratives on beauty, form, allure, charm, strength, energy, thoughts and mentality.

Get in Touch

Our team

Carol Gockel

Founder & managing director
Carol has always had a passion for food. She grew up in a household where food is a big part of living. Food is associated with celebration and kinship.
She had a bad relationship with food causing her health challenges. Vowing to have good relationship with food from then on, she looked for a solution for busy individuals focusing on ease of preparation with quality, healthy ingredients, hence bringing the products to your kitchen.

Why Us?

Quality Sourced

Responsible, ethical, sustainable and socially conscious principles are into sourcing for ingredients from suppliers.

Vegan Friendly

Made and manufactured without the use of animal products, therefore it is suitable for vegans and vegetarians alike.

Support Local Farmers

Procures directly from local farms. Strengthen community and local economy as well as enabling jobs in villages.

Get in touch with us!